Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ahhh, Minneapolis. I really like when we play that city. A lot of it probably has to do with the fact that we usually are playing a show that is hosted by the Club 3 degrees people. And they always treat us better than we deserve. This time it was them putting on the show, but we actually played at Northwestern College. I didn't get my normal shot from the stage, but here's one of a bunch of kids in the signing line. recognize yourself??

This was the first time we played Masquerade live and it went over very well.

The next day we flew to Fort Smith, AR and played a benefit for the Hannah House which i think is an unwed mother or battered women shelters. one of the two. i know that sounds heartless but i had different people telling me different things.

We ended up driving back to Nashville the next morning which was quite the adventure. Best joke of the day winner is:

What do you call a black guy with a Ph.D.? A doctor, you racist!

Ok, so you might not find that one inside of a laffy taffer wrapper. but i thought it was pretty funny. Ok, so this is a short post, but don't worry. we start our tour in a couple days and i'll be posting my complete guitar rig as well as a few other goodies. Ok, i'll talk to you later.


Unknown said...

I can say that we at Club 3 Degrees love working with you guys! I wasn't able to see you guys this time, but maybe next time you are in Minneapolis!

nickbaumhardt said...

thanks Lusa! I think we're coming back to Minneapolis in January or February for an ATF convention. hope to see you all there!

Jonathan said...

Looking forward to seeing TFK in Baton Rouge this weekend...do you know how long your set list is going to be on the Creation Fest Tour (minutes/songs)?

nickbaumhardt said...

thanks jonathan. i'm pretty sure our set is 45 minutes. today is the tour rehearsal so i'll know for sure soon. i'm also playing for FM static and we have 15 minutes.

Unknown said...

Do you guys sign everywhere but New England? I've seen you guys 3 times, and you remain ever-elusive. I know it isn't intentional, but wow... 3rd time is supposed to be the charm, haha!

I do have one of steve's drumheads with the other 3's signatures and one of his sticks though, its just not quite the same...

Someday! Some fine day, I will get your autographs personally XD

nickbaumhardt said...

Hey gabi. We almost always sign when we can. If we don't there is usually a good reason. If it's a fly date and we don't sign it's because we have to rush to the airport for a red eye flight or someone is sick or something. I believe we're doing some east coast shows this fall. Hope to see you there!

Unknown said...

I seriously hope so, you guys have to beat out Skillet and The Wrecking for "most times seen", haha.

If you guys ever do a headlining tour, save a date for the frozen north. We need it.

My prayers go out to you all on the tour. go rock some faces.

Laura said...

hey! my friends and i were at northwestern. =) you guys were incredible as always and it was awesome to hear Welcome to the Masquerade- we can't wait for the creation fest tour! God bless.

Jonathan said...

45 minutes should be the minimum haha...looking forward to it!

nickbaumhardt said...

thanks guys! hope to see you all at some of the shows!

About Me

"What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos; that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss. Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?" --Hi Fidelity

Hey guys, my name is Nick Baumhardt. I help write and record music. I also play guitar for Thousand Foot Krutch and FM Static.

These are my thoughts on music, art, politics, food, recording and whatever else I feel like writing about.

For more info about my producing, go to www.NickBaumhardt.com or myspace.com/nickbaumhardt
Check out my new site dedicated to fly fishing - Rhythm Fly Fishing
Follow me on Twitter!!! My twitter name is @nickbaumhardt