1. Fishing
Fish will eat Cheezit crackers, but the real problems is hooking them - the cheezits, that is. after toiling away with no real success, i dug up some worms and caught a few blue gill the old fashioned way.
2. Snakes Are Sneaky Little Creatures

click picture to enlarge
See if you can spot the copperhead snake in this picture. I'll give you a hint: his little copper head is sticking out of the copper water and the rest of his copper body is hidden. Let's just say i didn't do any fishing on this side of the pond.
3. iPhones can do ANYTHING
The guitar tech on this tour who we affectionately refer to as Tinkle Tee is awesome. Part of his awesomeness is due to the fact that he has rigged up an iPhone strobe tuner in addition to the normal tuner. plus the fact that i didn't have to tell him that i lost a cable for him to notice and have one ready for me when he brought me the acoustic guitar during the FM Static set.
and lastly,
4. The crowd here in Excelsior Springs was amazing
It's been a while since i posted a crowd shot. has anybody who reads this ever found themselves? should i keep posting these?
Ok, i've gotta go because there's an Arbys beef and cheddar with my arteries' name on it and the old acid reflux has been begging to come out and play. Later!
I love your sense of humor! I hope your Arby's was good.
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