So today we spent the day off in St. Louis before our first tour date. I grew up about an hour and a half away so this city kinda feels like home. I spent some time hanging out with old friends and figuring out the city train system.
and i got a big surprise.
if any of you have read my blogs in the past, you know that i hold a certain level of contempt for TSA that is usually reserved for murderers and pedophiles. they continue to break my gear and harass me at airports in the name of national security. but i digress....
Public enemy #1: THIS GUY
today, a friend of mine and i were on our way into the city. after a cab ride we found ourselves at the train station, but we couldn't buy a ticket with our debit cars. we trekked to the gas station across the street whose ATM was out of order. the attendant told us that the nearest station was a mile away...and we were on foot. so there we were standing outside the gas station when a lady in a TSA uniform asked us if we were from around here. we said no and told her our situation. she pulled out a $10 dollar bill, handed it to us and told us to stay safe.
i was amazed. it reminds me of the first jurassic park where the T-Rex ends up saving the day and eating the velociraptors just as they were about to pounce. oh, sorry to anybody who hasn't seen that movie. if you haven't, then you need to get on that.
ANYWAY, the point is, even though i still can't stand TSA as an organization or their crazy double-standard, inconsistent and ridiculous rules, it showed me that there's really some good people out there even if i don't agree with what they do. and while there are some idiots who break my gear searching for signs of a terrorist, it doesn't make everyone of them a brain dead mongoloid. and that's my version of a compliment.
Feeling up grandma to keep us safe
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