so much to do today. sometimes procrastination really pays off. trish and i got married almost a year ago. part of the deal we had with our photographer allowed for us to do a shoot on another day to supplement the wedding day photos. well, sometimes life just gets in the way so we ended up doing that shoot today. this pic is from melissa's cell phone. once we get the real pictures back i'll be sure to post. oh, and doesn't it look like it could be on the cover of a romance novel?? hahah. you can call me Fabio.
anyway, i'm kinda pumped because tricia has her mohawk in these pics. she looked gorgeous on our wedding day. i'm just happy that we were able to grab some pictures of the hawk. side note - i have this idealized version of the future in which my adolescent children are in awe of how cool mom and dad used to be because we played music in front of large crowds and had hairdos that would have kept us from getting respectable jobs. but i have some inkling in the back of my head that somehow we will still be uncool. oh well. there are worse things in life. oh - and please everyone, if you catch me struggling to still be cool when it's painfully obvious that i'm way too old, please just tell me. it will hurt, but i will thank you for it later. maybe even stage an intervention or something. you can read prepared statements about how i'm ruining my life. i'll get really angry and walk out only to be brought back into the room by a moderator pretending to care and then i'll get a nice little "vacation" at a "resort" in tempe, arizona or something.
the rest of the night was spent with the guys in Alcina (www.myspace.com/alcinatn) in pre production for their new record that i will be recording and producing this month. we start tracking next week at darkhorse recording studio in franklin, tn (www.darkhorserecording.com). this will be an experiment in riffy brutality mixed with hooky choruses. i'll post pictures next week.
tricia just made me a cherry soda which i've never had before. it's basically a rootbeer float with cherry soda instead of rootbeer. so i'll see you later internets. i've got better things to do.
Who did you wedding pictures? This one looks great.
this was actually taken on melissa's camera phone while the real photographer had us pose
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