so after much thought and wise counsel, we chose Milla Jovavich Leelu Dallas Multipass Baumhardt. Or just Milla for short. that's pronounced MEE - luh for those of you who haven't seen the fifth element. the runner ups were as follows: Zoey, Liza, Lola, Angel, Foxy, Meghan Fox, Scarlet Johanson, Kelly Kapowski and a multitude of other celebrity hotties which my wife promptly vetoed.
dogs are awesome. just in case you didn't know that. or maybe we just got lucky and got two really good ones. here they are running around in our backyard.

that is the best name for a dog in all of american history.
"the fifth element" for life, yo!
yes. her actual full name is Milla Jovovich Leelu Dallas Multipass Baumhardt
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