i love amsterdam. really. it is an awesome city. we went to holland last week for about 4 days. aside from the 9 hour international flight and the lack of air conditioning, it was a lot of fun. most of the time when we fly to a show we come in that morning and leave early the next morning to get home or to the next show. this time we actually had couple days to enjoy the place. we spent a whole day walking around in amsterdam. it's nice to travel with canadians. i'm by no means an america hater, but people in other countries don't like me when i tell them i'm american. i'm not saying it's right. that's just how it is. anyway, i took this picture soon after we got there. i thought it was picturesque. it wasn't until after i took it that i realized we were in the red light district. i expected it to be a lot seedier. we saw the infamous prostitutes in the neon framed full length windows and it was actually pretty sad.
people always talk about the red light district and the coffee shops that sell weed and the drugs and the sex shops, but it's actually a very beautiful city. we went to the Van Gogh Museum which was sweet. i got a picture below his self portrait. i don't think we were supposed to use cameras, but i didn't have a flash so i didn't hurt the painting. the only disappointment was that starry night was on loan to a museum in new york.
they also love bikes. seriously. they really really do.
The next day we went to the festival. It was a beautiful set up with the stage looking out over a lake. there was a ska band playing on the side stage which immediately made me think of my high school ska band. we were terrible but we had fun. one of our songs actually made it onto itunes through a strange succession of events. if you want to check it out, we were called the skapykatz and the song is actually kinda offensive to hispanic people, but i can assure you we didn't mean it that way. we were just dumb kids.
anyway, back to the festival. the show went great. the stage crew was outstanding. the production was top knotch. and the crowd seemed to be into it. here's a picture of them. if anybody is reading this who was at the show, you might be able to find yourself. ok, well that's all for now. seeya.