the shows were great and the people were so welcoming. they even gave me a handmade guitar strap that was made from the hide of a moose. ya, you heard me. a friggin MOOSE.
anyway, the first night the three guys were all sleeping in the same hotel room. apparently (As Kadar tells the story), Kadar got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and i was talking in my sleep. i said something to the effect of "are you there peter?"
now my wife would agree that this is nothing out of the ordinary. i talk in my sleep all the time. but what's funny is that apparently nathan, fast asleep, responded to me and said "ya, i'm right here."
of course i've been thinking about dreaming lately after seeing Inception. and that movie is definitely the best movie i've seen all year....well, i mean, right after twilight: new moon. for those of you who do not know me, yes, that was indeed sarcasm in it's purest form.

i would like to set up a camera to start cataloging what i say in my sleep, except that reminds me too much of another movie - Paranormal Activity. i LOVED that movie but it freaked me out. if there's a ghost in my house i don't want to know about it.
my sister @AlieghShields is known, not so much for talking in her sleep, but for waking up without really waking up. once while a bunch of us were watching a movie, she fell asleep on the floor next to her boyfriend at the time. during the movie, she half woke up and started berating him saying "why do you always light me on fire!!!" another one of my sisters will sometimes sleep walk with her eyes open, but you can tell she's asleep because of this look she has on her face. when you tell her to go back to bed because she's sleeping, she gets very mad at you which is kinda funny, and then doesn't remember a thing the next morning.
and the last thing that i've been thinking about is the idea of lucid dreaming. the concept goes something like this: when you're dreaming, you don't know you're dreaming. if you can train your brain to recognize when you're dreaming, then you can start to control the dream and do whatever you want. my friend was telling me about it and said one trick it to look at clocks because apparently in dreams, clocks never move. so if you think you're dreaming, just look at a clock. if it's not moving, then you know you're dreaming and then you can start doing whatever you want. ya, and when i say whatever, i mean go crazy. i plan on dreaming about a world where the ground is made entirely of trampoline so that i can bounce around wherever i go. either that or something involving me playing a show at an indian reservation in northern canada....wait a minute...
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