you know, they say that a wedding ring is a chick magnet. and i think they're right. but i believe there's an alternate explanation. girls are drawn to confidence. but when a guy is trying to play up his game, there's always a fear of rejection. but now that i'm married, i'm not trying to win the attention of girls. i kinda don't really care what they think. it's remarkably freeing. and that translates as confidence. so here's another one for the single guys. just have fun with your friends and find a girl naturally instead of grasping at straws. and by grasping at straws, i mean going to bars with loud dance music trying to dance all up on some girl as if she's someone you'd want to bring home to mom anyway. take your affliction clothes and your shaved chest and your spray on tan home cause that modern mating ritual is lame.

let's talk about another method that is complete bull: the friend zone. this is the complete other end of the spectrum. some guy who doesn't have the confidence to risk telling a girl he likes her. if you're a dude that is deeply in love with a girl who is just a good friend, let me spell it out for you. your love is not a secret. it's obvious to the whole world - and especially her. does she always tell you how you're such a good friend? do you sit idly by while she flirts with other dudes? and worst of all, do you buy her stuff all the freaking time? if so, you have two options. either you strap on a pair and tell her how you feel, or take what has invariably been the world's biggest hint and move on.

and, did you actually think you were off the hook on this one?? you know what's total Bee Ess that girls the world over are completely guilty of is the "He-likes-me-and-i-like-him-but-my-friend-liked-him-first-so-we-can't-date" line of reasoning. seriously? you're gonna let some childish, jealous "friend" keep you from a legit relationship? why do girls think it's ok to stake a claim on a dude and no one else can come near him? ya know, it's probably more of an issue of blackmail than anything else. that same girl who is immature enough to get mad at you because some guy likes you and not her is probably the same catty b-word who would make it her life's ambition to ruin you if you actually did. i remember growing up hearing the drama that my sisters went through and i kept saying "why do you even talk to these people?"

my theory is about girl's being catty is that it's connected to how helpless they feel. many girls still think that it's completely up to the guy to make a relationship happen. so if they no longer have any power to pursue a relationship, the only means of controlling your fate is to jealously guard the dude you've "claimed" in the hopes that one day he'll "wake up" and see what a [sic] catch you are and what he's missing. the reasonable thing to do would be to take initiative and try to talk to him. who knows, maybe tell him how you feel. but couldn't do that. that would actually be a rational, efficient and drama free way figuring out the situation.
"oh nick, you don't understand women"
i guess i don't.
Thats a good blog and me being girl can totaly see what your getting at adn your pretty much right.
and i think the thing that girl dont like taking the boys who their friends like is they dont want to h urt their friend or like me and my best friend hilary we make pacts not to date a guy who we both like haha idk if that helps w/ that any
I like what you are saying. Your first point, about the "player" is so true, some women might act like they like a playboy but they'll never really feel safe with him. They'll always be waiting for him to leave. That's why I have a hard time getting into a movie about a player settling down. I was watching Made of Honor with my dad (yeah we watch chick flicks together it's pretty cool), and my dad was the one who said it, "I just don't like him, in real life this would never work."
Men should realize that faithfulness is very attractive.
As for the other two points, I have to agree with you.
Guy's who like there friends need to "man up" and put themselves out there (women like a confidant man too) and girls who like there friends "ex" should just talk to their friends and not go behind their backs but they also shouldn't put a hold on their own lives just because Sue like Jake once on 9th grade.
Nice work.
God Bless,
Way to "stick it to the man!!"
Well, what happens when a girl's confidence is so shot after being rejected twice by two great guys?
rejections sucks. we all go through it. it's how a person deals with it that makes the difference. if a guy rejected a girl, the problem has something to do with one or both of them. so why would the girl blame some other girl who has nothing to do with the situation?
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