Tuesday, January 19, 2010

guy time

right now it's about 9:57 on tuesday night and i'm watching scott brown's victory speech. he's the republican senator who just took the senate super majority away from the democrats by winning ted kennedy's old seat in what has historically been a democratic stronghold. WAIT...HOLD IT....i saw that. you started rolling your eyes. oh, here he goes again getting all political.

relax. i'm not going to start ranting about health-terror and demopublicans.

no matter what side you're on, it's kinda cool that any political office is up for grabs, and a person's vote actually matters. i have a rule when i vote.

When In Doubt, Vote Them Out

when you go in to vote for the president every four years, there's usually a bunch of smaller state and local elections you vote on too. if there's a smaller election and i'm not sure who to vote for, i ALWAYS vote against the incumbent no matter what party they're in. even if both candidates are equally good or bad, it's better to unseat a representative who is likely to continue their inevitable journey down the road to compromise. our politicians should live in constant FEAR of losing their positions. they should walk on eggshells and lose sleep at night worrying about losing their seat because they didn't stand up for what their constituents want. it's kinda like how in court you're presumed innocent until proven guilty.....except the exact opposite.

see? it wasn't that bad.

ANYWAY, i'm thinking that i need to put more work into my segues.

so this week tricia is halfway across the world in Uganda on a trip for Compassion International. and i'm here alone....well, i have the dogs, but pretty much alone. sidenote* does that last statement give you an insight into my psyche? are you starting to wonder if i'm one of those animal people who sees their dogs are real people? well......MAYBE. what's wrong with dressing your dogs up in hoodies?? do i talk to my dogs?? all the freaking time!

no, i didn't find this on google images. this is my dog.

ok, we have derailed. let's get back on topic. i'm home alone all week. when my wife leaves it's like a magic button is pushed and the place gets trashed. have you ever seen old gangster speakeasy movie footage where the push of a button makes walls move and flips tables to conceal the gambling? well, somehow when trish leaves the sink fills with dishes, clothes go everywhere and there's stuff all over the bathroom. i mean, usually we get out of bed and sometime during the day, the bed gnomes come out and make the bed because it's always made when i go to my room at night. but when trish leaves, it's like the gnomes leave too. hmm..weird.

here's a few things that are on the agenda for the week:

1. giant hoagie sandwich
2. shooting guns with buddies
3. wrestling with the dogs
4. eat more of giant hoagie sandwich

also, i'm working tirelessly on my sister's music. her name is Aliegh and me and Trev have been working with her for the last year and a half and we're almost done. Aliegh is a much better singer than me and she's a lot funnier and prettier and looks better than me in a dress. wow, that's kinda weird. any of you out there have multiple sisters? ok, then you know that if you compliment one, you have to compliment them all. my sisters Aubrey and Ashley are also better singers and prettier and funnier than me....especially when ashley does her sound effects. sometimes she tells stories and tries to accent the story with big sound effects, but instead, they end up sounding tiny. for instance, a big gun will come out sounding like "pew! pew! pew!"...and also she makes the best chili ever. ANYWAY, i can't wait to show you aliegh's stuff when it's done. i think she's going to do really well.

Left to Right: Aliegh, Ashley, Aubrey
I'm gonna get so much crap from them for posting this

and speaking of artists i've worked with, check out a band called At Cliffs End (www.myspace.com/atcliffsend). they're on tour right now. i think they're in baltimore tonight. they've been working hard and are on the verge of some really good things happening and i'm really proud of them. check out their schedule and if they're playing in your town, definitely go see them and tell them that you know me. don't worry, i'll vouch for you.

ok, it's time to get back to work. that hoagie is calling my name again.


Katie McNeil said...

Thank you for reminding me that I'm supposed to wash the dishes. ha

Anonymous said...

Your dog is hilarious....you just made my day!

Its cool to me how like your wife, sister, and friends are all in the music industry. You're pretty lucky to have such a close knit "family" on the road.

About Me

"What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos; that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss. Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?" --Hi Fidelity

Hey guys, my name is Nick Baumhardt. I help write and record music. I also play guitar for Thousand Foot Krutch and FM Static.

These are my thoughts on music, art, politics, food, recording and whatever else I feel like writing about.

For more info about my producing, go to www.NickBaumhardt.com or myspace.com/nickbaumhardt
Check out my new site dedicated to fly fishing - Rhythm Fly Fishing
Follow me on Twitter!!! My twitter name is @nickbaumhardt