first i need to offer a huge congratulations to my buddy steve wilson. steve and i were in a band together called The Class of 98 a few years ago and even toured the country for a bit. you become very good friends with someone when you spend two years in a van. steve is incredibly talented and one of the best writers i know. he produces a ton of stuff and every now and then calls me to help out. you see, he producers AND engineers so sometimes it helps to have someone there to take a bit of the load off when you're recording drums. last summer i got one of those calls from him asking if i could come help record drums for the new Leeland record.

he didn't have any money for me but i'd probably get a credit and it was only one day of work. i looooove recording so i would probably do it for free anyway. well, to make a long story short, i didn't end up getting a credit. and that record was nominated for a grammy. so technically if i had gotten that credit, i wouldn't necessarily have gotten a little statuette, but i'd definitely have a grammy credit under my belt. i don't blame steve at all for this. there's plenty of roadblocks to actually getting credit on a record. legal issues, formalities, etc. and really, i only worked one day. does one day deserves accolades from the industry?? no, probably not.
ok, i didn't really mean for this to happen, but this blog sounds kinda bitter. and i don't mean it that way. i'm very proud to have even been a small part of the whole process. steve is a good friend and i couldn't be happier for him. he continues to help me out all the time. and i should take this opportunity to let you know that he and i are working on some new music for The Class of 98. we're not sure how or when it will be released, but we're definitely excited to be creating music of our own again. if you have never heard the previous record, go to www.myspace.com/TheClassof98 or check out the music on itunes.