my recollections are becoming a little fuzzy because of the hour. it's not that it's late. i've just been up for about 24 hours now. No big deal. actually, i've been saying just NBD all day today just to save time. "oh check out that ferrari over there - NBD." (sarcasm for those of you who didn't pick up on that one)
sorry to everyone at calvin college in grand rapids on monday. the show was great. but we didn't sign because we have an early flight out this morning. that said, today was AWESOME. we landed in LA at 930 and were immediately whisked away to meet the crew from tooth and nail as well as a bunch of radio people at the set of the price is right. i know it's tourist-y but anything can be fun when you're with a bunch of loud buddies.

yes, those are matching t-shirts. if you're going to do something, you might as well do it right. now i can check the whole experience off my list of things to do before i die. get that bucket list started early. i can't believe i just quoted such a corny movie movie like the bucket list.
what was freaking awesome is that one of the guys with us got called up and ended up winning A NEW CAR!!!! ya dude, it was amazing. we got the whole experience. jumping up and shouting numbers at our buddy and screaming like mad men as he ran over to jump into his new car.
after the whole ordeal we came back to the hotel and had a dinner with the radio people and we played some acoustic TFK and FM Static stuff. tomorrow morning my good buddy jon mark is picking me up to go surfing. i'm pretty pumped. i'm not very good but when i do manage to catch any sort of wave (or whitewash pretending to be a wave) i thoroughly enjoy it.
i'd really like to come up with some sort of witty and poignant ending but my eyelids are getting, basically, you lose, internets. NBD.
sorry to everyone at calvin college in grand rapids on monday. the show was great. but we didn't sign because we have an early flight out this morning. that said, today was AWESOME. we landed in LA at 930 and were immediately whisked away to meet the crew from tooth and nail as well as a bunch of radio people at the set of the price is right. i know it's tourist-y but anything can be fun when you're with a bunch of loud buddies.

yes, those are matching t-shirts. if you're going to do something, you might as well do it right. now i can check the whole experience off my list of things to do before i die. get that bucket list started early. i can't believe i just quoted such a corny movie movie like the bucket list.
what was freaking awesome is that one of the guys with us got called up and ended up winning A NEW CAR!!!! ya dude, it was amazing. we got the whole experience. jumping up and shouting numbers at our buddy and screaming like mad men as he ran over to jump into his new car.
after the whole ordeal we came back to the hotel and had a dinner with the radio people and we played some acoustic TFK and FM Static stuff. tomorrow morning my good buddy jon mark is picking me up to go surfing. i'm pretty pumped. i'm not very good but when i do manage to catch any sort of wave (or whitewash pretending to be a wave) i thoroughly enjoy it.
i'd really like to come up with some sort of witty and poignant ending but my eyelids are getting, basically, you lose, internets. NBD.
it sux that you gipped the good people in Grand Rapids! Thats my home town. I didn't even know y'all were gonna be there. I wasn't there so i guess it was NBD.
Thats so awesome that you went to The Price is Right, and that he won a car! I remember back when one of the guys from I think Seven Places was on that show. Fun stuff!
This. Is. Awesome.
Hey Nick!
This is too cool. When does that episode air??? I SO have to watch it.
Hey Nick! First of all let me say that I LOVE reading your posts! ;)
I don't really watch The Price Is Right so I would also like to know when it will air.
hey, thanks for the comments! the show will air on Dec 11 on CBS. i'm definitely going to record it
Ahhhhh! Nick, I MISSED IT. I was at school. Hopefully the website will upload it.
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